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The screenshots and text below, provide a brief overview of Berner-Garde to help get you started  - you can try out other options such as Reports.  You can also explore other tabs on the Dog Display - such as Pedigree and COI.  This is a valuable tool for researching Bernese Mountain Dog breeders, litters, and individual dogs.

Berner-Garde Foundation
Berner-Garde homepage

Berner-Garde home page: One the right, in the red highlighted line, you will see Database - you click on that to enter the database.  Then you will have to click again on a gray box that says "Click here to access the database."  (There are also a lot of interesting links available from the BG home page, about the history of BG, research, etc.)

Berner-Garde - People  Detail Display

Result of a People search (by clicking on People in the  lefthand column) and entering "Montv" as the Last Name:  It defaults to the Dogs tab.  This tab shows all the Berners I have owned, when they were born, and if they are still alive.   You can click on each dog's name to get more details on the dog.  Also, you  can click on the Litters tab to see all litters bred.  (You can also start by searching for an individual dog, by clicking on Dogs in the lefthand column and entering part of its registered name, or its call name.)

Berner-Garde Dog - Photos tab

This is what comes up when you click on my Bernese Mountain Dog Tanzanite Learning Curve.  It defauts to the photo page.  You can click on the other tabs to get more info - such as Relatives, Certs/Tests, Titles, etc.

Berner-Garde Dog - Relatives tab

This is what comes up when you click on Henley's "Relatives" tab.  This is a good general tab to click on, because it lists the common certs/tests not only for Henley herself, but also for her parents and her other relatives (littermates and half-siblings).  It also lists AOD (Age Of Death) and you can see that Henley's mother Sapphire's One In A Million (Hannah) died when she was 8.2 years old, and that her sire is still alive (he turned 7 in June 2017).  If you clicked on Hannah, you could click on her Health tab and see that she died from lymphoma.

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